Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Recap - Homecoming Edition

Busy weekends wear me out! But they're also tons of fun for everyone, so it'll be okay! :)

Friday afternoon was the Homecoming Parade - yeah, we're hardcore. Apparently not all towns do this for their high schools, which is practically crazy to me. Anyway- Friday I got to leave school a little bit early (I have awesome coworkers, one of which covered my last class for me!), so I made it home in time to watch the parade. 

So. My boys are sort of known by a lot of the   high school kids. Between camps, church, Tim being a track coach, and my friends... let's just say we have enough candy that we don't need to go trick-or-treating. ;)
That night, we took the boys to my in-laws so that they could stay warm during the football game (the lows were in the 40s, so we didn't want them to freeze). That ended up being a great decision, especially since it started raining and was windy- we ended up leaving after the halftime announcements of the Homecoming Court. Also, the football team ended up winning 72-0. #awesome

Before the game, we opted for a quick dinner of McDonalds (yes, I know. Unhealthy. But we all love sweet tea. And ketchup).

Saturday we had a super lazy day, which was 100% needed. The boys slept until 9:30 - unheard of in this house - so jammies for the day was our best bet. That night, Monster went to Homecoming coronation with me, and got some super lovely pictures with some of our favorites! :)

Sunday we spent most of the day at church (per the norm). And drinking coffee (per the norm).

These two were missing one of their favorite college kiddos during youth group.

Can you guess where Monkey's new favorite hideout is in the nursery?

I hope you all had a great & relaxing weekend!! :)

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