Friday, February 26, 2016

Happy Friday!

Hello, blogland!

Apologies. It's been a crazy week, and I've come home EXHAUSTED every single night this week!

Regardless, here's a quick update of life!

First up: this shirt. Basically, it's the best thing ever for teachers. And apparently my aunt, who saw this posted on Instagram.. and immediately texted me to find out where I got it and when, and if I thought they would have any at her Target ( I got a selfie from her the next morning holding up her new favorite shirt, and a text this morning saying that she was wearing it to work. In other words, my aunt is awesome and I love her.

Apologies for the fact that the above picture is sideways. Blogging is hard. Friday night was my almost-stepsister's senior night for cheerleading, so I obviously had to make the boys all shirts to support her. They say "I'm only here for my cheerleader." Which is too true. If Sid is around, the rest of us are unimportant. I think it's an aunt thing.

He loved watching the game with his daddy. 

That's our girl! Clearly, Cec and I needed matching shirts to support her, too. We're only going to get so many more opportunities to be embarrassing big sisters to her, so I feel like we need to take advantage of it! ;)

What? A picture where everyone is looking?! Is this real life?

Sometimes I really miss high school. And then I remember how much I love my life.

Saturday the weather was amazing, so we spent most of the day outside! We took a picnic lunch to the park & spent nearly three hours just being outside together.. I miss it! It was a little windy to play with the balls outside, so we opted to take the boys to the tennis courts that are a few blocks away- since everything is fenced in, we didn't have to worry about the balls blowing into the road (and more importantly, we didn't have to worry about the boys getting into the road!). Once we got home, we played with chalk and spent some time in the swing.

We are ready for spring to arrive!

That man. 

Since it was nice outside, I went ahead and took the time to prep the van for lots of outside time! Here's the container of chalk that I keep in the van. Chalk is a lifesaver, especially during meets & stuff where we are stuck at the same place for a really long time! When your husband is a track coach, you have to have some tricks up your sleeve!

In this basket, I keep the chalk container, bubbles, a frisbee, Clorox wipes, a few plastic balls, and some hats for the boys. It's nice to have a few options while we are out and about!

Here's the rest of our outside stash: a picnic blanket/stadium seat (it folds & zips up, which is the best!), a hanging bag with an extra set of clothes & jackets for each of the boys, and an umbrella stroller. 

Sunday at church, I had nursery duty, which means that there was lots of photography! 

Momma's little chef!

This child is a packrat, and loves to use this lunchbox to hold all of his "collections."

He was putting his toes in his mouth. No joke. Monkey's weird.

Next week is Book Fair & Read Across America Week, so we decided to do a big thing at school and are having dress up days all week based off of Dr. Seuss quotes. More pictures next week, but I wanted to show these lovelies. This space dress is for Tuesday- Dream Job day. Any guesses as to what my dream job is? :)

All of these dresses are from She In. I'd never heard of the site before, but found it when I was searching for that space dress.

Looooove the colors in this one!

Daddy's currently at a track meet, so we sent him some pictures. Ignore the messy house- single parent life is hard (shoutout to all of the real single parents. You're awesome).

By the way- it's this one's birthday! Today, he turned two, so that means tomorrow is his birthday party! I'll post Monday about how everything goes- wish us luck!


And finally, the boys were asleep. I love that we got them bunk beds with the full bottom bed- one of my favorite things every night is getting to lay next to them while they go to sleep. I mean, look how sweet they are!

Here's to a good and semi-relaxing weekend ahead! Love!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Favorites: Phone Dump

I know I'm a million years behind on posting, so just consider this a really big catch up! ;)

School Life
A whole lot of trying new things, getting new things, and incorporating tech.

Punnet Squares- so much fun!

 If you're a teacher and you haven't tried Socrative, you should. Put in the questions and as long as it's not an extended response, it'll grade it for you! I've been using it for review and quizzes... LOVE.

My To-Do list last week. I think I ended up adding more to it than I took off, which is a bummer.. but the story of my life!

Article of the Week- LOVE!! I'm using the ones from Vale Middle School, and I just select a different one for each grade. Some weeks I will probably give them the same ones, but ya know.. It's more fun to read a bunch! Plus, I feel like this will really help the kiddos out on their PARCC testing since it's reading nonfiction articles and applying what they know to them.

Also. We got a snow day last Friday. On my birthday. The Best.

Here's the Valentine's I gave out to my kiddos.. My reading class is finishing up The Lightning Thief, so I felt that blue chocolate chip cookies were a good tie-in. Also, if you don't understand the reference, I suggest you read the series. Lots of fun!\

I got a new document camera! I can hook it up to my computer or leave it on the cart and mosey around my room. I sort of like having the option to do either one, so I am currently using the cart. I also have the option to record the lessons with this baby, which is great to utilize when my kiddos are gone, especially since we have Google Classrooms. 

AKA way too many pictures of the boys & my messy house. I really do promise that I clean regularly.. but it's a small house with two little men. There's just not enough hours in the day!

 Someone and his dino helped me put together those blue cookies.

My normal wakeup time. Thanks snapchat for lovely shots like this. Ha!

I don't really give things up for Lent like a lot of people do, but I saw this and LOVED it... so this is the direction we are going this year!

Morning Bible Study. <3
I've officially made it through seven books, so if I speed up a little, I might make it through this year! 

 Timothy's present to me for my birthday was a haircut and color (his idea- so smart!) and here's what I sent to my lovely girl... 

And here's the finished product. Sidenote: I do not curl my hair. I'm not that talented. I straighten it, and consider that an accomplishment!

 These two also got some big man haircuts... I think it aged them about five years!

I saw this on IG and thought it was perfect (remember that to-do list I showed?).

 My Secret Pal at church knows me really well, apparently! Such a perfect birthday and Valentines!

 When one of the BS girls brings you two bags of these for your birthday, because she knows you can't find them anywhere. That's love. ;)

 This was Timmy's Valentine from me. So appropriate.

 Guys. My grandparents are like amazing quilters. I went over to help with this one for a few minutes, and I think it's going to be under the Christmas tree for me! ;)

Here's the finished top. LOVE!

Monkey fell asleep early a few nights ago.. so we might've opted for an ice cream treat for this one!

 I love that he likes to take selfies, and they're hilarious. 

 These two. I can't.

 MONKEY ATE MOST OF MY CHIMI AND RICE. I was happy to share... but I was also hungry. He may start getting his own. ;)

 He loved these hats. This was like 30 minutes of fun.


I hope you're all having a lovely week and an even better weekend! :)