I promise sometime I'll post about our weekend, but it was obviously a great one if I was too sleepy last night to post about it! Ha! ;)
This week's topic is how to win your heart.
Now listen. My hubs totally knew how to win my heart a million years ago. He's always been supportive of me and knows when to put me in my place (like fifty times a day. Sometimes I think my students' attitudes rub off on me, and he puts up with it. Seriously, he's amazing). He's silly and knows how to make me laugh. He reminds me that I don't have to be so stressed out and crazy all the time- I definitely need his laid back style to help chill me out.
He love, love, loves God. Here's a photo from the first mission trip we went on together. He is always encouraging me to become a better person, and to continue growing my faith. He's also a great spiritual leader in our home- I know that regardless of what questions come up, we can look to him for guidance.
He's adorable. For real. Here's one of our engagement photos. #babies
Fighting is not something that he's a fan of. I have a tendency to go on the defensive immediately without even thinking, and he is generally able to turn me around and keeps from blowing up at me. Sidenote: I grew up in a home that was not like that. Even though we've been together for years, I still feel like it's a personal attack (even when it's not). Basically, he's a much better person than I am.
If we're being totally honest, I've always planned to marry Tim. At least since high school. He was (and is) charming in a goofy way, cares fiercely about others, and wants everyone to know God. How could he get any better?
He also knows how to work hard... even if he doesn't know what exactly the point of it is. ;) Here he is helping me decorate my classroom the first time ever- I got hired like two weeks before school started that year, so it was crunch time!
Instead of a honeymoon, we went on a mission trip. I am so thankful for the fact that he wants to put his all into working with the youth in our area- he loves them strong and worries about them.. even when they act like turds because they're middle and high school kids that only know how to act like that. ;)
Tim is a great daddy. He would do anything for our boys, and that is a big deal. Hearing "Daddy!!! I need you to come here and help me!" 500000 times a day could probably drive some people crazy, but he still goes and helps (even though he's done the exact same thing every 20 minutes all day ;)). <3
Did I mention that I totally fall in love again and think he's way hott whenever he's speaking at church? No? Too much? Get over it. ;)
Also. Some people hate beards. Not me. ;) Haha. Okay. I'll stop.
Tim is basically the best guy I've ever been around. He takes care of us (even though sometimes he tries to throw me in nasty lakes. This picture might look cute, but really. Ew.).
Facebook does it again.
For those of you that aren't married or dating or whatever, I hope that you listen to your heart and know who you're supposed to be with. I also hope that if you don't think you're ready for that kind of real, run into the fear, not away from it like I did. That last picture- I was a freshman in college and totally not ready to deal with big picture. Tim and I talked a ton and I loved him then. He always told me though that he didn't want to date unless we were getting married. Well, I wasn't ready. In the next few years he seriously dated another girl and I dated a guy 100% wrong for me- and I was beyond jealous. I literally kept thinking "Girl, I'm the one gonna marry him. Stop dating him." Yes, I realize that's totally insane, but ... that's how I thought. *Yes, there's more to our story, but you have to wait for our anniversary to hear the whole thing. :)
In the end though, here we are. Living out our crazy life and our dreams. I couldn't ask for anyone better. Here's to the mandatory switch date, followed by a long protest.
I love you, Timothy.
So sweet! Truly a testament to your love for him!