Tuesday, November 3, 2015


1 million sorries for the fact that I have been a super slacker. Wedding week kicked my booty, but I'm hopefully back again for the month of thanks!

Okay, plan: 1 post for each day... or maybe still 3 posts per week with one thanks for each day. Either way, I'll be here!

Day 1 of Thanks:
Salvation. Because for real, where would we be without that and grace? Exactly. (Also, here's the current way Monster tells us his Bible verses. Ha!)

Day 2:
The hubs. Without him, I would never ever be able to do any of the things that I do. He's my backbone (and muscle, because I'm WEAK), my love, my best friend, my hero, my heater... so much. I'll try not to get too sappy, but for real- I pray that when my kiddos get married, that they marry someone that cares about them as much as Tim does me. God absolutely knew what he was doing when I couldn't get him out of my head. 

Day 3: 
My students. Listen. This year has been a struggle. I've been feeling the pains of being overwhelmed and under-appreciated, and it was killing me. I felt terrible all of the time and like I couldn't make a difference. Things have started getting better (post coming soon- think a day of thanks for His word), and today was another reminder that there is hope! Every year, I have the kids write out things that they are thankful for- one thing each day. Today, I had a lot of kids (more than just these- this was just from one class!) write some legit stuff. A lot of times, middle schoolers only care about material possessions- today though, my teacher heart and my momma heart were so, so happy and proud.

 "I am thankful for school." "I am thankful for my teachers." "cool teachers" "school"
"God" "for God"

See you all tomorrow! :)

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