Monday, November 9, 2015

Hello, Monday!

Day 7:
I'm thankful for photos. For real. I love being able to look back at old pictures of my boys or my friends and seeing what things used to be like. Also, getting old videos slay me.

Day 8:
I'm thankful for crafty kiddos. My boys love coloring and painting, so here's some of what we whipped up this weekend. Also, I drew these because I was too lazy to make sure the printer was ready to go. Oops.

Day 9:
I'm thankful for our neighbors. Remember how not that long ago I posted about not knowing them very well and how things were... strained... to say the least? Well, in the last week, we've had hugs from one set, a good conversation from another, and the third mowed our yard while I was at work and Tim was home with the boys (you try mowing while you are also watching two toddlers. Just kidding. Don't.).

Here's how we put together for our November neighbor gifts!

Supplies: (total cost of under $10 - divided by five gifts = Under $2 each!)

Then all we did was handprints of Monster & a footprint of Monkey...

And Mommy added a scripture to call it a day!

Hope you're all having a great Thanksgiving month!

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