Saturday, November 28, 2015

Friday Favorites.. aka Thanksgiving Week

Man, Thanksgiving Week is a blur! I love the crazy!!

First off, here's the project I did with my 8th graders this year. We took three wire hangers, taped them together (hook side to the middle), and wrapped them in garland. The kids got to pick their own garlands, and some of them found the coolest stuff! The toppers are just monograms that I printed and they cut- made life a lot easier and will be better to figure out which one goes home with each kiddo.

Also, I know that a lot of kiddos don't always go home to the easiest life.. and that I have high expectations for my students, so sometimes I can come across harsh. Tuesday morning, I left this note on the board for my classes. 

Someone has decided that "dan, dan, dan!" is his favorite thing ever! (Dancing. So cute)

Also. I apparently have two little construction workers in the making.

Break has meant that I get lots of snuggles. The best.

OMG. If you don't know what pepperoni rolls are, you're seriously missing out. Like 15 years ago or something crazy, my aunt started bringing these to Christmas, and we loved them. Mom asked for the recipe (frozen rolls, let them rise, wrap them around pepperoni - and cheese if you feel adventurous, and bake!) and they became a staple for every holiday, birthday, after-dance party... everything. My high school friends still get jealous whenever we have them! AKA I posted this picture on FB and people wanted them! :)

Before Thanksgiving, I got all of our Christmas books wrapped and ready.  We did the 25 days of Christmas books last year, so I just saved all of them in a tote and brought them back out this year! I love this tradition, and it helps keep the boys out of the real gifts until Christmas.

I made this recipe last year, and my in-laws loved it. I had to make sure to whip up a batch again this year! Also, it's the easiest thing ever. Throw it all together and then stick it in the fridge!

Wednesday night, we had music practice at church (we are taking a group of high school/college kids to the Passion Conference in January, so we are leading worship this weekend to make some extra dough for the trip). I took the boys to the nursery, where Monster and I practiced eating lots of food at once. ;)

Happy Thanksgiving from my little turkeys!

My sister's birthday was on Thanksgiving this year, so we made sure to snap a few extra pics. That's our Papa Fred, aka the goofiest guy we know! <3

This guy. It literally took like three minutes worth of pictures to get him to smile like a regular person!

On Black Friday, we didn't fight the crowds. First, our Elf arrived for breakfast! We had Elf Toast (cinnamon toast) and bananas, and the boys thought it was the coolest ever!

This was on my FB memories that day. That was literally years before I finally decided I was ready to stop being a kid and grow up. I'm so thankful he put up with me for that long.

These two. <3

Here's some of the crafts we did at my mom's house on Black Friday. I sort of love footprint things! My boys were really easy to work with on this- they both have ticklish feet, and loved having their feet painted!

Handprint elves!

Monster's very own Ninja Turtle drawing! (and a random rhino)

 Mom's got four grandsons, so we made the eight reindeer from their feet! I know we forgot Rudolph, but it'll be okay.

Brother Snuggles

Here's what Ralph is up to today...

Hop you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and are ready for all the festiveness to come! <3

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