Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday! 

This weekend we had a lot of fun running around and being crazy kids!

Friday, we finished our Valentines and someone had to test them out. ;)

We visited with my grandparents, and the boys loved it! Apparently in this picture, she was being Lois Lane and he was being Flash. I love that my grandma plays with my kids like this! <3

We also introduced my grandma to Snapchat. I can't handle the picture.

After one grandma's house, we obviously had to go visit the other great-grands! While we were there, this group of crazies put together seven puzzles. Seven. Glory.

Saturday morning, we made a trip to the store with the circus (aka, my sister and her two kids, my mom, and me with my two kids). Someone decided that he needed to wear my "funny sungwasses" because the sun was so bright.

Saturday afternoon, Tim and I were off to Winter Jam STL to hang out with our youth kiddos. What a great night!

I don't know if any of you make the trip to see Winter Jam, but you should. And if you do, you should definitely pay the extra money to join Jam Nation. Sure, tickets are higher, but you get early entry (huge bonus, especially if you're with a group) and to see the artist Q&A session. We actually ended up getting passes this time that will let us into multiple shows early- so I'm taking a few of our kids again Thursday night! :)

While walking to the venue, we passed a guy outside talking on the phone. Turns out that it was Dave (the lead singer from Sidewalk Prophets)! These two decided to go back and get their picture taken with him, and he was super cool about it!

Love this man and his heart for serving and teaching these kids.

Okay. I love me some Sidewalk Prophets. Always have. This night though? They pulled a girl on stage that wants to be a singer... and gave her some spotlight time. How awesome?! 

Also, Matthew West and his band are Cardinals fans. ;)

While we were there, we found these two! Well, sort of. We saved seats with our group for Tay, and found out once the concert had started that Kay was there... and in some terrible seats. When the people in front of us left for three bands, we decided to share our good seats with her group! I love these two (and the other two in our bible study group) and getting to spend time together!

We got home from STL, dropping youth kids off, and picking our kids up a little after three Sunday morning (we knew it was going to be a late night, so we stopped for coffee once we got out of the city). Our Sunday looked like this:

Dinosaur fights at the Mexican restaurant. 

Hope you have a great start to the week!

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