Saturday, January 9, 2016

Weekend Favorites

I was going to write my Friday Favorites last night after the boys went to bed... and then Monster was up until 1:30 this morning, so that was not going to happen. 

My favorites this week:

Passion. Obviously. Such an amazing experience, and I'm beyond blessed to have spent the weekend with some of my favorite people.

This weekend, I also started reading this and No More Molasses Classes. I love them both. RCA, I wish I could make the trip back to Atlanta so that I could visit! If you're a teacher, I 100% suggest reading these for some added pep in your step!

I also started Genius Hour with my Science classes yesterday. The premise behind GH is Google's 20% policy (workers get to spend 20% of their work time on projects they are passionate about if it has the potential to help the company). The ideas that my students came up with blew me away! I have some that want to create design sketch books, create inspirational video series, implement anti-bullying clubs at our school, create video games, design working robots, find ways to help engage other students in reading... AMAZING!!


Here's (most of) the things my kiddos are passionate about!

I'm excited to see where this takes us in the coming weeks! At the end of the session, students will have to make presentations of their findings. I'll let you know how they go!

I also started Book Clubs with my reading class! I have three different groups that are reading different novels, and I had them do the planning!! Basically, I told them they would be meeting every Thursday afternoon during class, and what the last day was for them to meet on these books. Each person in the group will be taking a week to lead discussion and questions, and I will spend about 15 minutes each week conferencing with the group to see how things are progressing. 

 Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!

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