Friday, January 22, 2016


My absolute favorite thing this week? The fact that I am currently on my third snow day in a row! And honestly, I'm that weird teacher who is all for snow days. I don't mind staying at work until the beginning of June, because 1) I don't like to sweat, and they keep my school freezing. 2) I don't like to drive on the snow. 3) June 1st is not too late into summer. Basically, give me all the snow days!! As of today, we have used 4 of our 5 built in, so we might as well use a dozen more. ;)

Here's what we've been doing this week:

 First off, these are just a few of the giant dinosaurs that the boys got for Christmas. Obviously, they need a few more. ;) Really though, the boys love lounging on them, and they make a great crash pad for their crazy! I might have snuggled with them for a nap or two this week. Shhh. :)

Snow days mean that we stay in jammies extra late and that Mommy gets all the cuddles!

My mom got us a gift card to Fresh Market for Christmas, so I used it to pick up stuffed chicken breast. Ohhhh dang. Guys, it's delish. Get some. Also? That edamame salad was great too!

Monkey man and I went to the store a few nights ago before the storm hit- I love getting to spend time with each of my boys one-on-one!

Obviously, powdered donuts are needed for snow day breakfasts!


Also, I'm not a big Snapchat user, but these pictures... I died. The boys both loved getting to make faces with the different options, so we spent a good 45 minutes on my phone a few nights ago! 

Today's plans? Make the boys' Valentines to give out at church. I found them at Target, and knew we had to get them, Think of the pictures! 

Tomorrow we're taking our youth group to STL for Winter Jam! Hope you all have an awesome weekend!! <3

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