Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Happy Reading!

Okay, I'll quit being a slacker. I guess. ;)

We got another snow day today! Monster is so excited because the snow is actually the good kind to play in and the temps might get high enough that we go outside for a bit this afternoon (probably 30 minutes at the most). He loved the snow last year, so I'm excited to see how he feels about it this year!

So normally, I don't make a New Year's resolution. Mostly because I never keep them. Also because any time that I would make one, it ended up being about not drinking soda or as much coffee, and let's be totally real-- there's no way that's going to happen

This year though, I made a commitment (see- different word. So far it's working!) to write a note/scripture from my bible reading each day. I usually try to read 1-2 chapters each day, and I always write in my bible, so I thought this would be something extra I could do to help me really internalize what I was reading. 

Let me start by saying this: The bible I use is from high school. It's the first thing I bought myself after I started working through high school (before this I always used a KJV bible, and it was just too much for me to handle. To me, I want something that doesn't give me a headache when I read it!). It's been to all the mission trips with me, though college, to most camps... I've got a lot of history with this thing, and I love it. Another fun fact- my bestie that I went to church with had the same bible, so one of us would always find the page we needed and just tell the other. We're good like that. 

On the inside, I've got all sorts of things. Underlined verses that I liked; notes from sermons and bible studies, important statements that I loved; pictures... my bible is definitely one of my favorite things.

I picked a few random pages, along with the two covers to show you. Also, just to letcha know- my absolute favorite pens to use in my bible are the Flair pens. Every year before camp I buy the rainbow pack ... and then don't share them, because I'm a teacher too. ;)
Also, sorry they're turned. Blogger hates me.

My MIL got me a planner type thing for Christmas, which I am currently using for my notes. I love it because there is enough room for lots of writing per day. And I can add in the days as I go, which is super fun. I also really like that I can go through and read the inspirational message on each page. I don't know that she meant for me to use it like this, but I still am. ;)

^Notes from only two sessions at Passion. What a weekend!

Our pastor challenged us on Sunday to make sure we read each day from our bibles. I'm already doing that, so I'm going to challenge you, too! <3

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