Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to school I go...

Meetings were Monday and Tuesday this week, and today is officially the first day of school!

The first day of meetings, we always have a district meeting that includes a breakfast for all of us. I'm so thankful to be in a district that prays before any meal we have at meetings- it really makes a big difference. The fact that we start off the year like that always reminds me that I am blessed to be where I am at.  The second half of the day, I got to spend working in my room (AKA talking to all of the other teachers, because really... that's how it works).

Monday night I got to have a fun time doing something new. Some of the girls from one of our camps decided they wanted to do a bible study together once a week (as much as I would love to do it with everyone, the connection was bad enough with just five of us, but we have something else in the works that I'm pretty darn excited about!). We decided that as our first round of studies, each of us would choose a woman from the bible & do some conversation type study on her. I went first (since the girls are all still in HS or college, I thought that was the nice thing to do) and picked Tamar. If you read Genesis 38, you'll get to see a story of how even if we mess up and don't do things the way they are supposed to be done, God will still find a way to use us to benefit this kingdom. [Just as a rundown- Tamar gets messed around by her father-in-law, Judah, so takes things into her own hands in order to have a son. She dresses as a prostitute, Judah sleeps with her, and she ends up having twin sons-- AND she is the first woman mentioned in Matthew chapter 1 in the lineage of Jesus. From prostitute to ancestor of Jesus & mentioned in His genealogy- I'd call that a pretty good point of being able to use our mess ups for His glory.] Anyway, it was a night of technical difficulties (Google Hangouts to the rescue!), learning, and laughter, and I'm super pumped for the rest of our studies together!!

Tuesday was mostly meetings, so I went in early to get a few more things finished up. Here's a picture tutorial of what my room looks like:

 The view from my seat. Gotta have those faces in front of me! ;)

The view of my desk. I wish those were red and yellow instead of pink and orange, but they will work until I find something better. My classroom is Harry Potter themed, and my reward system is done by House Points (I'm a total nerd, and I love it), so these are house buckets for markers and other supplies.

Behind my desk is some inspiration (and folders of course). I'm sharing what's on it below! :)

Student resource center. The drawers house all of the interactive notebooks that I have them keep throughout the year.

The front of my classroom.

Like my makeshift bulletin boards? They are just foam science fair boards- we've been trying to get things to stick to the black since before I started working here, so this is my solution to the problem.

Our meetings Tuesday afternoon were all about using Google+ in the classroom & how we can use it to make things easier on us in the long run. I've been a Google girl for years, so I'm super pumped for all of this! Since I'm in charge of a computers class this year, I'm sure that we will be trying to figure it out more together!!

I don't know about anyone else, but I love Pinterest, so obviously, I spend time on there looking at things for my classroom. Here's some of the pins that really caught my eye when thinking back to school:

Also. Let's just be honest for a moment- cooking meals after such a crazy change sucks, so much. To make things a little easier on myself, I tried to plan a few weeks out. Here's what this week has going on/planned:
Sunday: Lunch at church; Youth dinner
Monday: Dinner at my mom's
Tuesday: Frozen Parmesan breaded tilapia, broccoli, rice, mac and cheese (the boys are better at eating it than rice!)
Wednesday: Spaghetti fundraiser
Thursday: Chicken & Pasta
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: DINO DAY!!! (We are going to a dinosaur exhibit- I'm sure I'll do an entire blog post about it... we are all super pumped!)

Before I go, I wanted to share a teacher's prayer that one of my friends on Facebook shared last week. Love it!

I hope everyone has had a great first day - wish me luck!!

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