I know I'm a little behind on blogging (again).. but now that it's officially July, I feel like I can recap June better!!
Summer started at the beginning of June for me (HALLELUJAH!!), and the first Saturday was Monster's fourth birthday! He had been requesting another dinosaur party, but I finally talked him into a dinosaur-pirate party instead. [All inspired by this book - if you've never read it, I definitely suggest it. There's a whole series of them, and they're adorable.. and perfect for dino loving littles!!]
His outfit for the party.. and I loved it! Costumes are one of my favorite things, along with parties.. so I was all about it! He's actually wearing baby girls' black leggings here.. don't tell his dad! ;)
We gave Pirate's Booty out as favors.. I love me some snack food!
Obviously, we had to have out pirate supplies like tattoos. hats. and eye patches.
Such a simple game, but so much fun! The kids played on this for over an hour.
When you're a teacher and your kiddo asks that you read a picture book at his party, you oblige.
The next day. Ukenas were in charge of nursery at church.
...and these two needed a nap in the cabinets.
Another Zoo trip.
Feeding the giraffes- a new family favorite!!
Also, I introduced someone to Starbucks. He was so excited to have "a coffee cup like Mommy's, but no coffee." No worries- his was milk!
The Sunday that our little kid camp started, we also had Youth Sunday at our church. Most of the counselors from camp came to our church to support our youth group (one of the boys was speaking that morning). This is what it means to love and be a part of fellowship, and I'm so thankful to be a small part of it.
Also, coming up are a million camp pictures, most of which I didn't take. Sorry.
This guy. He's my favorite and I'm so thankful that I get to be in his life and spend mine married to him. At camp this year, he was the speaker for the junior high kiddos... and he kicked butt. I absolutely love getting to hear him speak God's truth and share it with kids (I can 100% tell you that is what he is called to do with his life- God works through him in awesome ways).
Our junior high class.
Someone totally inherited awkward picture taking skills from his father.
When we got home, I found out that our favorite taco place has baby comeback cups. Clearly, they were worth the investment.
We had to say "see ya later" to one of our favorite girls in June as well. Miss Sidney is off to basic for 6 months, and we are going to miss her something fierce! For a girl that isn't actually an aunt to my boys, she loves on them like they are hers! <3
This is my dad when he was Monster's age. See the resemblance? Holy cow.
Snow cones are our favorite.
My junior high cheerleaders!
SnapChat is too fun.
When your mom is a teacher, you get to play on the playground when she's done working.
Have you heard of Little Free Libraries? Our school's book club raised money to install one this year, and it's awesome! My boys love that they get to trade books when we are at the school!
This is just a small stash of my Target purchases for school. I can't stop myself!
He used to sleep in this same rocker when he was a baby. So sweet.
I'm a science teacher. Sue me.
I love finding good old chairs for my classroom! I don't think I'm going to recover this one-- I feel like it screams Slytherin!!
Someone fell asleep as we pulled into the parking lot. So I shopped like this.
The beginning of my library update!
What a good daddy-- the boys decided he needed stickers on his face.
We got new wedding rings.. they're Enso Rings, which basically means that they are rubber rings. I sort of love them! Especially since I don't like to wear my traditional ring when I am doing laundry/cooking/at camp/on mission trips...
Daddy is the best reader.
So that was June. And a little July. Hopefully tomorrow or Monday I'll get back to regular posts that have more than just pictures.. but let's be honest. Sometimes pictures are the best part!
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