Saturday, September 5, 2015

Friday Favorites (on a Saturday): Fall Explosion

Guys, for real though. I can't even contain myself at this time of the year [autumn]. I'm obsessed, and not afraid to shout it from the mountains.

Incidentally, that's the theme of my current living room chalkboard. I usually try to change it once a month, and I sort of love how messy this one is. Sometimes, imperfection is lovely. As for the rest of the fall decor out (living room), I picked up a $3 fake set at the mart of walls this week, threw it in a vintage box, and am a huge fan of how it turned out. I've also got one of my fall candles out, just to make it more fun [and yes, I move the candle before I light it... I would like to keep my house standing, lol].

I've also got the garland hung that the boys put together for me. Monster-man did almost all of the coloring (see the almost-white acorn? All Monkey) and the lacing (with just a small amount of assistance). #proudmom

I also have a wire pumpkin & candle sitting out on the computer desk with my Papa Bear and Willow Tree Angels. [The Papa Bear was made by one of my mom's friends after my Grandpa passed away in February. It's made out of one of his old grandpa sweaters that he wore all of the time. I got one, and we also have one for each of my boys made from other shirts of his. That right there? One of my all time favorites.]

I finally got my coffee corner decked out for fall this week, too. When I got it all put together, the hubs came in and said "Look at you, getting all ready for fall. Should I prepare for it to get crazy?" To which I smiled. :) I just threw on a $3 cloth tablecloth (gotta love clearance!) and put some 97 cent flowers & leaves in a Fiestaware pitcher (wedding present), and switched out my white mugs for some fall colored ones. Also, that mug on the end? It's a pumpkin. Out of which I drank pumpkin spice coffee during our Bible Study Hangout this week. I told you I have a problem.

Another favorite for this week? This picture. Tim was playing DJ and had some of my favorite throwback songs on [think GooGoo Dolls and LifeHouse - also, fun fact: I got to see BOTH of them for FREE in STL at one of their concerts under the arch right after high school. Amazing.], so the boys and I started dancing. My little men are gonna be heartbreakers.

Before bed each night, we usually lay in bed with the boys & talk, read stories, pray, and sing songs. Lately, Monster has been requesting which things we talk about, and I've been getting a lot of "Mommy, you tell me 'bout God." or "Mommy, wet's talk about Jesus." #meltsmyheart Tim has been trying to get him to memorize some of the better known scriptures, just because it's good to do (aaaaaaaaand because I am probably the world's worst at memorizing scripture). Last night, I started to go over Phillipians 4:13 with him (I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength). He had the whole thing memorized already!!!!!! Man, that kid- so much love.

Aaaaaand because you just need some more fun little man pictures, here's Monster at Volley for a Cure night at our high school, and the boys practicing their skilllz in the hallway at home. ;)

This weekend we have another busy schedule- tonight is the first night the pumpkin patch is open (FINALLY!!) and the first home football game, tomorrow we are having high school - college game night for church, and Sundays are always busy with church and youth group.

...and since I'm the slacker that isn't posting until Saturday morning, here's a picture from the football game last night!

Coming next week: holiday plans! It's might-as-well-be-fall now, so Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas plans of fantasticness are in the works!! :)

I hope everyone has a big weekend planned and enjoys it to the fullest!! [Also, I'm linking up with Andrea's post again, because who wouldn't want to?!]

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