Monday, December 21, 2015

Catch up!

Eeeeek! I'm sorry I'm so behind here, guys. It's been such a crazy month! So, since I'm so behind, I'm just gonna recap on some of the life stuff we've been doing, and then on Wednesday I'll fill you in on some super easy and fun school projects I've been doing with my kiddos!

Ralph has been doing fantastic this month- lots of carftivities for the bots to do, lots of snacks- he's been a fun tradition that we will definitely be doing in the coming years... even if my hubs hates him. :)

Monster love love loves helping me cook. One night after dinner, I found him in the kitchen "cooking" by himself. No worries, the stove wasn't on anymore!

Timmo made fun of me whenever I hung this up, but I couldn't resist when I saw it on west elm!

Christmas lights make everything so much more fun!

Speaking of west elm, I ordered enough of these to give as gifts to each family this year. I'm adding our Christmas picture from church yesterday (keep reading!).

Facebook Memories are the cutest. Actually, my husband is the cutest.

School related, but our awesome new LA teacher started doing #ThursdayNightShelfies ... so of course, this book lover has joined in!

Ralph hung out with out Papa Tom bear on his birthday. We all miss him!

Pizza shirts.. as Christmas Tree shirts... love. Thanks, Old Navy!



Guys. I love SaSea Decor. And their shirts. Slightly obsessed.

These two... goodness I love them!

Also. Iced coffee in a Christmas cup next to the Christmas tree... I couldn't help but snap a picture!

How we woke up Saturday morning. <3

My family. My heart. These three guys are absolutely why I spend so much energy being silly and trying to do fun things. 

At the church Christmas program/youth hangout night...

"Mommy. I love us." Me too, Bebe. Me too.

Not so many words, too many pictures. So much love. See you Wednesday!

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